Wednesday, January 30, 2008

GFXVoid now running on vBulletin forum software

It took a bit too long, but GFXVoid is finally running on the vBulletin forum system. I sincerely apologize for the extended recent downtime, it was pretty much unavoidable. Thank you to everyone for hanging in there with us while GFXVoid was offline. I very much appreciated all of your patience and support. While the temporary replacement forum, GeekBoards, was made available for GFXVoid members during this downtime - I know that it was nowhere near the same as the void.

Important: In order to access your account on the new forum system, you will need to use the lost password recovery form to reset your password. Once you submit the form you will be sent instructions via email on how to reset your password so that you can access the new system.

If you are unable to reset your password to access your account, please send a message using the contact form to request assistance.

Avatars and signatures did not import 100% correctly with the vBulletin import script, so I felt that it would be best for all avatars and signatures to be uploaded again for anyone who wants to do so. Avatars and signatures can be edited from within your user control panel - on the left side of the user control panel page you will see the links to edit signature and edit avatar.

Please feel free to contact me, one of the moderators or post in the forums if you have any questions about the new system.

Aside from all that, Welcome back to GFXVoid

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Google Gears

Enabling Offline Web Applications

Google Gears Beta is an open source browser extension that enables web applications to provide offline functionality using the following JavaScript APIs
  • Store and serve application resources locally
  • Store data locally in a fully-searchable relational database
  • Run asynchronous Javascript to improve application responsiveness

What is Google Gears?

Google Gears is an open source browser extension that lets developers create web applications that can run offline. Gears provides three key features:

A local server, to cache and serve application resources (HTML, JavaScript, images, etc.) without needing to contact a server
A database, to store and access data from within the browser
A worker thread pool, to make web applications more responsive by performing expensive operations in the background
Google Gears is currently an early-access developers' release. It is not yet intended for use by real users in production applications at this time.

If you're a developer interested in using Google Gears with your application, visit the Google Gears Developer Page.
If you wish to install Google Gears on your computer, visit the Google Gears Home Page. Please note, however, that Google Gears is not yet intended for general use

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Keyboard Shortcuts

Getting used to using your keyboard exclusively and leaving your mouse behind will make you much more efficient at performing any task on any Windows system. I use the following keyboard shortcuts every day and I am sure it would be helpful for you as well:

Windows key + R = Run menu

This is usually followed by:
cmd = Command Prompt
iexplore + "web address" = Internet Explorer
compmgmt.msc = Computer Management
dhcpmgmt.msc = DHCP Management
dnsmgmt.msc = DNS Management
services.msc = Services
eventvwr = Event Viewer
dsa.msc = Active Directory Users and Computers
dssite.msc = Active Directory Sites and Services
Windows key + E = Explorer

ALT + Tab = Switch between windows
ALT, Space, X = Maximize window
CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager
Windows key + Break = System properties
Windows key + F = Search
Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows
CTRL + C = copy
CTRL + X = cut
CTRL + V = paste

Also don't forget about the "Right-click" key next to the right Windows key on your keyboard. Using the arrows and that key can get just about anything done once you've opened up any program. Keyboard Shortcuts

[Alt] and [Esc] Switch between running applications
[Alt] and letter Select menu item by underlined letter
[Ctrl] and [Esc] Open Program Menu
[Ctrl] and [F4] Close active document or group windows (does not work with some applications)
[Alt] and [F4] Quit active application or close current window
[Alt] and [-] Open Control menu for active document
Ctrl] Lft., Rt. arrow Move cursor forward or back one word
Ctrl] Up, Down arrow Move cursor forward or back one paragraph
[F1] Open Help for active application
Windows+M Minimize all open windows
Shift+Windows+M Undo minimize all open windows
Windows+F1 Open Windows Help
Windows+Tab Cycle through the Taskbar buttons
Windows+Break Open the System Properties dialog box

Acessability shortcuts

Right SHIFT for eight seconds........ Switch FilterKeys on and off.

Left ALT +left SHIFT +PRINT SCREEN....... Switch High Contrast on and off.

Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK....... Switch MouseKeys on and off.

SHIFT....... five times Switch StickyKeys on and off.

NUM LOCK...... for five seconds Switch ToggleKeys on and off.

Explorer shortcuts

END....... Display the bottom of the active window.

HOME....... Display the top of the active window.

NUM LOCK+ASTERISK....... on numeric keypad (*) Display all subfolders under the selected folder.

NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN....... on numeric keypad (+) Display the contents of the selected folder.

NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN....... on numeric keypad (-) Collapse the selected folder.

LEFT ARROW...... Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder.

RIGHT ARROW....... Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first subfolder.

Type the following commands in your Run Box (Windows Key + R) or Start Run
devmgmt.msc = Device Manager
msinfo32 = System Information
cleanmgr = Disk Cleanup
ntbackup = Backup or Restore Wizard (Windows Backup Utility)
mmc = Microsoft Management Console
excel = Microsoft Excel (If Installed)
msaccess = Microsoft Access (If Installed)
powerpnt = Microsoft PowerPoint (If Installed)
winword = Microsoft Word (If Installed)
frontpg = Microsoft FrontPage (If Installed)
notepad = Notepad
wordpad = WordPad
calc = Calculator
msmsgs = Windows Messenger
mspaint = Microsoft Paint
wmplayer = Windows Media Player
rstrui = System Restore
netscp6 = Netscape 6.x
netscp = Netscape 7.x
netscape = Netscape 4.x
waol = America Online
control = Opens the Control Panel
confiltered= Opens the Printers Dialog

type in u're adress "google", then press [Right CTRL] and [Enter]
add www. and .com to word and go to it

For Windows XP:

Copy. CTRL+C
Paste. CTRL+V
Undo. CTRL+Z
Delete. DELETE
Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin. SHIFT+DELETE
Copy selected item. CTRL while dragging an item
Create shortcut to selected item. CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item
Rename selected item. F2
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word. CTRL+LEFT ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph. CTRL+DOWN ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph. CTRL+UP ARROW
Highlight a block of text. CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys
Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document. SHIFT with any of the arrow keys
Select all. CTRL+A
Search for a file or folder. F3
View properties for the selected item. ALT+ENTER
Close the active item, or quit the active program. ALT+F4
Opens the shortcut menu for the active window. ALT+SPACEBAR
Close the active document in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously. CTRL+F4
Switch between open items. ALT+TAB
Cycle through items in the order they were opened. ALT+ESC
Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop. F6
Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer. F4
Display the shortcut menu for the selected item. SHIFT+F10
Display the System menu for the active window. ALT+SPACEBAR
Display the Start menu. CTRL+ESC
Display the corresponding menu. ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name
Carry out the corresponding command. Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu
Activate the menu bar in the active program. F10
Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu. RIGHT ARROW
Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu. LEFT ARROW
Refresh the active window. F5
View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer. BACKSPACE
Cancel the current task. ESC
SHIFT when you insert a CD into the CD-ROM drive Prevent the CD from automatically playing.

Use these keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes:

To Press
Move forward through tabs. CTRL+TAB
Move backward through tabs. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Move forward through options. TAB
Move backward through options. SHIFT+TAB
Carry out the corresponding command or select the corresponding option. ALT+Underlined letter
Carry out the command for the active option or button. ENTER
Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box. SPACEBAR
Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons. Arrow keys
Display Help. F1
Display the items in the active list. F4
Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box. BACKSPACE

If you have a Microsoft Natural Keyboard, or any other compatible keyboard that includes the Windows logo key and the Application key , you can use these keyboard shortcuts:

Display or hide the Start menu. WIN Key
Display the System Properties dialog box. WIN Key+BREAK
Show the desktop. WIN Key+D
Minimize all windows. WIN Key+M
Restores minimized windows. WIN Key+Shift+M
Open My Computer. WIN Key+E
Search for a file or folder. WIN Key+F
Search for computers. CTRL+WIN Key+F
Display Windows Help. WIN Key+F1
Lock your computer if you are connected to a network domain, or switch users if you are not connected to a network domain. WIN Key+ L
Open the Run dialog box. WIN Key+R
Open Utility Manager. WIN Key+U

accessibility keyboard shortcuts:

Switch FilterKeys on and off. Right SHIFT for eight seconds
Switch High Contrast on and off. Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN
Switch MouseKeys on and off. Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK
Switch StickyKeys on and off. SHIFT five times
Switch ToggleKeys on and off. NUM LOCK for five seconds
Open Utility Manager. WIN Key+U

shortcuts you can use with Windows Explorer:

Display the bottom of the active window. END
Display the top of the active window. HOME
Display all subfolders under the selected folder. NUM LOCK+ASTERISK on numeric keypad (*)
Display the contents of the selected folder. NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN on numeric keypad (+)
Collapse the selected folder. NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN on numeric keypad (-)
Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder. LEFT ARROW
Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first subfolder. RIGHT ARROW

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Useful Run Command Shortcuts

I know there are a lot of people who love using the run prompt or the
command prompt rather than using the mmc control...
So here are some quick tips that you can use ... Enjoy...
List big, but still i hope it is useful!!

* Accessibility Controls : access.cpl
* Add Hardware Wizard : hdwwiz.cpl
* Add/Remove Programs : appwiz.cpl
* Administrative Tools : control admintools
* Automatic Updates : wuaucpl.cpl
* Bluetooth Transfer Wizard : fsquirt
* Calculator : calc
* Certificate Manager : certmgr.msc
* Character Map : charmap
* Check Disk Utility : chkdsk
* Clipboard Viewer : clipbrd
* Command Prompt : cmd
* Component Services : dcomcnfg
* Computer Management : compmgmt.msc
* Date and Time Properties : timedate.cpl
* DDE Shares : ddeshare
* Device Manager : devmgmt.msc
* Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* : directx.cpl
* Direct X Troubleshooter : dxdiag
* Disk Cleanup Utility : cleanmgr
* Disk Defragment : dfrg.msc
* Disk Management : diskmgmt.msc
* Disk Partition Manager : diskpart
* Display Properties : control desktop
* Display Properties : desk.cpl
* Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) : control color
* Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility : drwtsn32
* Driver Verifier Utility : verifier
* Event Viewer : eventvwr.msc
* File Signature Verification Tool : sigverif
* Findfast : findfast.cpl
* Folders Properties : control folders
* Fonts : control fonts
* Fonts Folder : fonts
* Free Cell Card Game : freecell
* Game Controllers : joy.cpl
* Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) : gpedit.msc
* Hearts Card Game : mshearts
* Iexpress Wizard : iexpress
* Indexing Service : ciadv.msc
* Internet Properties : inetcpl.cpl
* IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration) : ipconfig
* IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents) : ipconfig
* IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents) : ipconfig /flushdns
* IP Configuration (Release All Connections) : ipconfig /release
* IP Configuration (Renew All Connections) : ipconfig /renew
* IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS) : ipconfig
* IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID) : ipconfig /showclassid
* IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID) : ipconfig /setclassid
* Java Control Panel (If Installed) : jpicpl32.cpl
* Java Control Panel (If Installed) : javaws
* Keyboard Properties : control keyboard
* Local Security Settings : secpol.msc
* Local Users and Groups : lusrmgr.msc
* Logs You Out Of Windows : logoff
* Microsoft Chat : winchat
* Minesweeper Game : winmine
* Mouse Properties : control mouse
* Mouse Properties : main.cpl
* Network Connections : control netconnections
* Network Connections : ncpa.cpl
* Network Setup Wizard : netsetup.cpl
* Notepad : notepad
* Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed) : nvtuicpl.cpl
* Object Packager : packager
* ODBC Data Source Administrator : odbccp32.cpl
* On Screen Keyboard : osk
* Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed) : ac3filter.cpl
* Password Properties : password.cpl
* Performance Monitor : perfmon.msc
* Performance Monitor : perfmon
* Phone and Modem Options : telephon.cpl
* Power Configuration : powercfg.cpl
* Printers and Faxes : control printers
* Printers Folder : printers
* Private Character Editor : eudcedit
* Quicktime (If Installed) : QuickTime.cpl
* Regional Settings : intl.cpl
* Registry Editor : regedit
* Registry Editor : regedit32
* Remote Desktop : mstsc
* Removable Storage : ntmsmgr.msc
* Removable Storage Operator Requests : ntmsoprq.msc
* Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) : rsop.msc
* Scanners and Cameras : sticpl.cpl
* Scheduled Tasks : control schedtasks
* Security Center : wscui.cpl
* Services : services.msc
* Shared Folders : fsmgmt.msc
* Shuts Down Windows : shutdown
* Sounds and Audio : mmsys.cpl
* Spider Solitare Card Game : spider
* SQL Client Configuration : cliconfg
* System Configuration Editor : sysedit
* System Configuration Utility : msconfig
* System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately) : sfc /scannow
* System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot) : sfc
* System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot) : sfc /scanboot
* System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting) : sfc
* System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache) : sfc /purgecache
* System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x) : sfc
* System Properties : sysdm.cpl
* Task Manager : taskmgr
* Telnet Client : telnet
* User Account Management : nusrmgr.cpl
* Utility Manager : utilman
* Windows Firewall : firewall.cpl
* Windows Magnifier : magnify
* Windows Management Infrastructure : wmimgmt.msc
* Windows System Security Tool : syskey
* Windows Update Launches : wupdmgr
* Windows XP Tour Wizard : tourstart
* Wordpad : write

Monday, January 14, 2008

The year 2038 problem

Test it now...


1. login to yahoo messenger

2. send instant message to anyone - fine its working...

3. now, change ur system date to 19-Jan-2038, 03:14:07 AM or above

4. Confirm weather ur date is changed

5. again send instant message to anyone...

Your YM crahes....



What is it?

Starting at GMT 03:14:07, Tuesday, January 19, 2038, It is expected to see lots of systems around the world breaking magnificently: satellites falling out of orbit, massive power outages (like the 2003 North American blackout), hosp ital life support system failures, phone system interruptions, banking errors, etc. One second after this critical second, many of

these systems will have wildly inaccurate date settings, producing all kinds of unpredictable consequences. In short, many of the dire predictions for the year 2000 are much more likely to actually occur in the year 2038!
Consider the year 2000 just a dry run. In case you think we can sit on this issue for another 30 years before addressing it, consider that reports of temporal echoes of the 2038 problem are already starting to appear in future date calculations for mortgages and vital statistics!

In the first month of the year 2038 C।E. many computers will encounter a date-related bug in their operating systems and/or in the applications they run. This can result in incorrect and wildly inaccurate dates being reported by the operating system and/or applications. The effect of this bug is hard to predict, because many applications are not prepared for the resulting "skip" in reported time anywhere from 1901 to a "broken record" repeat of the reported time at the second the bug occurs. Also, may make some small adjustment to the actual time the bug expresses itself. This bug to cause serious problems on many platforms, especially Unix and Unix-like platforms, because these systems will "run out of time".

wat causes it
Time_t is a data type used by C and C++ programs to represent dates and times internally. (Windows programmers out there might also recognize it as the basis for the CTime and CTimeSpan classes in MFC.) time_t is actually just an integer, a whole number, that counts the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 at 12:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time. A time_t value of 0 would be 12:00:00 AM (exactly midnight) 1-Jan-1970, a time_t value of 1 would be 12:00:01 AM

(one second after midnight) 1-Jan-1970, etc..

some example times and their exact time_t representations:

Date & time time_t representation

1-Jan-1970, 12:00:00 AM GMT 0

1-Jan-1970, 12:01:00 AM GMT 60

1-Jan-1970, 01:00:00 AM GMT 3 600

2-Jan-1970, 12:00:00 AM GMT 86 400

1-Jan-1971, 12:00:00 AM GMT 31 536 000

1-Jan-1972, 12:00:00 AM GMT 63 072 000

1-Jan-2038, 12:00:00 AM GMT 2 145 916 800

19-Jan-2038, 03:14:07 AM GMT 2 147 483 647

By the year 2038, the time_t representation for the current time will be over 2 140 000 000. And that's the problem. A modern 32-bit computer stores a "signed integer" data type, such as time_t, in 32 bits. The first of these bits is used for the positive/negative sign of the integer, while the remaining 31 bits are used to store the number itself. The highest number these 31 data bits can store works out to exactly 2 147 483 647. A time_t value of this exact number , 2 147 483 647, represents January 19, 2038, at 7 seconds past 3:14 AM Greenwich Mean Time. So, at 3:14:07 AM GMT on that fateful day, every time_t used in a 32-bit C or C++ program will reach its upper limit.

One second later, on 19-January-2038 at 3:14:08 AM GMT, disaster strikes. When a signed integer reaches its maximum value and then gets incremented, it wraps around to its lowest possible negative value. This means a 32-bit signed integer, such as a time_t, set to its maximum value of 2 147 483 647 and then incremented by 1, will become -2 147 483 648. Note that "-" sign at the beginning of this large number. A time_t value of -2 147 483 648 would represent December 13, 1901 at 8:45:52 PM GMT.

So, if all goes normally, 19-January-2038 will suddenly become
13-December-1901 in every time_t across the globe, and every date
calculation based on this figure will go haywire. And it gets worse. Most of the support functions that use the time_t data type cannot handle negative time_t values at all. They simply fail and return an error code.

A quick check with the following Perl script may help determine if your computers will have problems (this requires Perl to be installed on your system, of course):


# Use POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) use POSIX;

# Set the Time Zone to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) for

date calculations.

$ENV{'TZ'} = "GMT";

# Count up in seconds of Epoch time just before and

after the critical event.

for ($clock = 2147483641; $clock <>


"The best way to predict the future is to engineer it." Consider testing your mission-critical code well ahead of time on a non-production test platform set just before the critical date. For more general applications, just using large types for storing dates will do the trick in most cases. For example, in GNU C, 64-bits (a "long " type) is sufficient to keep the time from rolling over for literally geological eons This just means any executables the operating systems runs will always get the correct time reported to them when queried in the correct manner. It doesn't stop the executables you may still want to be worried about Well-written programs can si mply be recompiled with a new version of the library that uses, for example, 8-byte values for the storage format. This is possible because the library encapsulates the whole time activity with its own time types and functions (unlike most mainframe programs, which did not standardize their date formats or calculations). So the Year 2038 problem should not be nearly as hard to fix as the Y2K problem was.

Admittedly, some don't feel that this impending disaster will strike too many people. They reason that, by the time 2038 rolls around, most programs will be running on 64-bit or even 128-bit computers. In a 64-bit program, a time_t could represent any date and time in the future out to 292 000 000 000 A.D., which is about 20 times the currently estimated age of the universe. The problem with this kind of optimism is the same root problem behind most of the Year 2000 concerns that plagued the software industry in previous years: Legacy Code. Even if every PC in the year 2038 has a 64-bit CPU, there will be a lot of older 32-bit programs running on them.

The greatest danger with the Year 2038 Problem is its invisibility. The more-famous Year 2000 is a big, round number; it only takes a few seconds of thought, even for a computer-illiterate person, to imagine what might happen when 1999 turns into 2000. But January 19, 2038 is not nearly as obvious. Software companies will probably not think of trying out a Year 2038 scenario before doomsday strikes. Of course, there will be some warning ahead of time. Scheduling software, billing programs, personal reminder calendars, and other such pieces of code that set dates in the near future will fail as soon as one of their target dates exceeds 19-Jan-2038, assuming a time_t is used to store them.

Good luck, and hope no ones flying car breaks down in 2038

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dvd9 To Dvd5 - Put DVD 9 Movies, on to a standard Disc

You can convert DVD9 Movies to DVD5 movies using many different methods, but i find that this is the best method. It is done using a program called DVD Shrink.
You can get this program by typing "DVD Shrink" into google, or you could go to

DVD Shrink, afterdawn

Start DVD Shrink
You can use DVD Shrink to both rip and convert directly.
1. Select Open Disc
2. Select your DVD and click OK

Reducing the video size, first we reduce the menus and extras video size as much as possible so we can use highest possible quality on the main video
1. Select the Extras
2. Choose maximum compression, Level 9-10 or use still pictures for maximum compression. More compression means that we can have higher quality for the main movie.
3. Select the Menus
4. Choose maximum compression. I usually use still pictures for the menus.

Now reduce the main movie size

1. Select Main movie
2. Deselect any audio tracks you don't want, leave at least one AC3 track.
3. Deselect any subtitles track you don't want
4. Select the lowest level nearest the DVDR/W 4456 MB size limit (5.). Lower level means less compression which means less video quality degration. Try use a level lower then 7-8(if it wont fit even if you select level 8-10 then I would recommend to split to two discs with another tool, but you can always try and burn on DVDRW to see how it looks like).

To start convert

1. Hit Backup!
2. Select where to save the new DVD, i usually make a VIDEO_TS folder
3. Select region free
4. If no Provider ID then add anything
5. Check so you have same free space as the size of the new DVD.
6. Hit OK.

DVD Shrink description
DVD Shrink - A FREE software to backup DVD disks !
DVD Shrink is a software application that allows you to backup your DVD disks. You can use this software in conjunction with DVD burning software of your choice, to make a backup copy of any DVD video disk.

DVD Shrink does not burn DVDs! The output from DVD Shrink is saved as files on your hard drive, which you can then burn
to a DVD-R using separate burning software, such as the software provided with your DVD-R drive.

Why Use DVD Shrink :
Most DVD titles are designed to prevent you from making copies.

The first preventative measure is encryption. Most DVD titles are encrypted, which prevents you from either copying them to your hard drive, or if you manage to do so, being able to play the resulting files. DVD Shrink overcomes this problem with built-in decryption algorithms.

The next problem is not so easy. Most DVD video titles are simply too large to fit, without modification, onto a single recordable DVD-R disk. DVD Shrink overcomes this problem by modifying or "shrinking" the data from your original DVD.

DVD Shrink provides two ways of shrinking your DVD disk. These are re-authoring and re-encoding. You can use one, or the other, or for maximum "shrinkage", both combined.

Last but not least, why use DVD Shrink? Because DVD Shrink is FREE
Some new versions of DVD Shrink come with a dvd burner, so it will automatically start at the end of the conversion process.

Monday, January 7, 2008

How to convert dvd and video to zune

2. Click DVD to Zune Converter component, load your DVD by clicking 'Open DVD' button or choosing 'Open DVD' from 'File' drop down menu, choose the DVD ROM in your PC, it will take you to the DVD menu in the player screen.

3. Click the "Setting" and go to menu "Subtitle", Set Subtitle to what you like.

4. Click the "Setting" and go to menu "Audio Track", Set audiotrack to what you like. To 'Output Folder', Enter the full pathname or choose the path where you want to save your video files by clicking 'Output folder'. The default output format is WMV, which natively supported by Zune. You can also hit "Setting -> Output settings", select other output formats you like (MP4, H.264, WMV7/8/9, MP3, WMA, etc.)

5. The converter will automaticly detect the main movie of your DVDs, it will popup with below window to let you make a decision, just keep the setting of "Record from movie start point" and output file size setting, the default setting is the best for good quality and compact output file size, click "Yes" to start ripping DVD to Zune video files.
Tips: You can also just record any part of movie by drag the slide bar to where you want to start, and click the "Convert" button, please select "Record from current time point". This provide you with more flexibility.

6. Find the .wmv or .mp4 file that DVD to Zune converter created and add it into your Zune software library.

7. Load the .mp4 or .wmv files to Zune by clicking 'Sync contenct to and from your Zune'. Done!

Do you have a zune ?
Free download

Sunday, January 6, 2008

How to restore the system/boot drive letter in Windows

Change the System/Boot Drive Letter
Warning Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk.1. Make a full system backup of the computer and system state.
2. Log on as an Administrator.
3. Start Regedt32.exe.
4. Go to the following registry key:
5. Click MountedDevices.
6. On the Security menu, click Permissions.
7. Verify that Administrators have full control. Change this back when you are finished with these steps.
8. Quit Regedt32.exe, and then start Regedit.exe.
9. Locate the following registry key:
10. Find the drive letter you want to change to (new). Look for "\DosDevices\C:".
11. Right-click \DosDevices\C:, and then click Rename.

Note You must use Regedit instead of Regedt32 to rename this registry key.
12. Rename it to an unused drive letter "\DosDevices\Z:".

This frees up drive letter C.
13. Find the drive letter you want changed. Look for "\DosDevices\D:".
14. Right-click \DosDevices\D:, and then click Rename.
15. Rename it to the appropriate (new) drive letter "\DosDevices\C:".
16. Click the value for \DosDevices\Z:, click Rename, and then name it back to "\DosDevices\D:".
17. Quit Regedit, and then start Regedt32.
18. Change the permissions back to the previous setting for Administrators (this should probably be Read Only).
19. Restart the computer.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2008 SKUs, Hyper-V and
'Heroes Happen Here': Details Available Now

Windows Server 2008 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) with Hyper-V Beta is now available for evaluation. Hyper-V (formerly codenamed “Viridian”) will be released as a feature of Windows Server 2008 and is now available as a beta with Windows Server 2008 RC1 Enterprise. Microsoft also plans to release a standalone virtualization technology, Microsoft Hyper-V Server, which allows customers to virtualize multiple operating systems onto a single physical server.


Read more about these announcements, just released at the TechEd IT Forum conference in Barcelona, Spain.

Download an evaluation version of Windows Server 2008 RC1 Enterprise with Hyper-V Beta.

Learn more about the Windows Server 2008 SKUs now available.

HeroesHappenHere, the official launch site for Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008, is also available now. You can find more information about launch events near you, learn more about the products, engage in community activities and social network resources, and be a part of the launch yourself!

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 is the most advanced Windows Server operating system yet, designed to power the next-generation of networks, applications, and Web services. With Windows Server 2008 you can develop, deliver, and manage rich user experiences and applications, provide a secure network infrastructure, and increase technological efficiency and value within your organization.

Windows Server 2008 builds on the success and strengths of its Windows Server predecessors while delivering valuable new functionality and powerful improvements to the base operating system. New Web tools, virtualization technologies, security enhancements, and management utilities help save time, reduce costs, and provide a solid foundation for your information technology (IT) infrastructure:

Built for the Web

Windows Server 2008 comes with Internet Information Services 7.0 (IIS7), a Web server and security-enhanced, easy-to-manage platform for developing and reliably hosting Web applications and services. A major enhancement to the Windows Web platform, IIS7 includes a componentized architecture for greater flexibility and control. IIS7 also provides simplified management, powerful diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities that save time, and comprehensive extensibility.

Internet Information Server IIS7 together with the .NET Framework 3.0 provide a comprehensive platform for building applications that connect users and data, enabling them to visualize, share, and act on information. Additionally, IIS7 plays a central role in unifying Microsoft's Web platform technologies—ASP.NET, Windows Communication Foundation Web services, and Windows SharePoint Services.
Virtualization Built In

Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V, the next-generation hypervisor-based server virtualization technology, allows you to make the best use of your server hardware investments by consolidating multiple server roles as separate virtual machines running on a single physical machine. You can also efficiently run multiple operating systems—Windows, Linux and others—in parallel on a single server. With virtualization built into the Windows Server 2008 operating system and simple licensing policies, it's now easier than ever to take advantage of the cost savings of virtualization.

Applications can also be efficiently virtualized using Windows Server 2008 centralized application access technologies. Terminal Services Gateway and Terminal Services RemoteApp allow easy remote access to standard Windows-based programs from anywhere by running them on a terminal server instead of directly on a client computer—without the need for a complicated VPN.

Windows Server 2008 is the most secure Windows Server yet. The operating system has been hardened to protect against failure and several new technologies help prevent unauthorized connections to your networks, servers, data, and user accounts. Network Access Protection (NAP) helps ensure that computers that try to connect to your network comply with your organization's security policy. Technology integration and several enhancements make Active Directory services a potent unified and integrated Identify and Access (IDA) solution. And Read-Only Domain Controller (RODC) and BitLocker Drive Encryption allow you to more securely deploy your AD database at branch office locations.
A Solid Foundation for Your Business Workloads

Windows Server 2008 provides a solid foundation for all of your server workload and application requirements while being easy to deploy and manage. The all-new Server Manager provides a unified management console that simplifies and streamlines server setup, configuration, and ongoing management. Windows PowerShell, a new command-line shell, enables administrators to automate routine system administration tasks across multiple servers. Windows Deployment Services provides a simplified, secure means of rapidly deploying the operating system via network-based installations. And Windows Server 2008 Failover Clustering wizards, and full IPv6 support plus consolidated management of Network Load Balancing, make high availability easy to implement even by IT generalists.

Finally, the new Server Core installation option of Windows Server 2008 allows for installation of server roles with only the necessary components and subsystems without a graphical user interface. Fewer roles and features means minimizing disk and service footprints while reducing attack surfaces. It also enables your IT staff to specialize according to the server roles they need to support.

Friday, January 4, 2008

To improve Bittorrent speeds

To improve Bittorrent speeds
This guide relies on the use of Azureus or uTorrent as they are highly recommended. Azureus requires Java. If after installation the application will not load, it is because you do not have Java. You are not the first to think you have Java when you do not! More information is available on the Azureus site.

If you are not currently using uTorrent or Azureus, before starting this guide:
Beginners: Please change to either uTorrent or Azureus now.
Intermediate: It is recommended that you change client now. If you choose not to, remember to come back to this section if you get stuck during the guide.
Advanced: You will likely be able to find the equivalent options in your current client, assuming your client has all the necessary options.

Other BitTorrent clients are available to switch to after working through this guide.

This guide has been updated for Azureus and uTorrent 1.6. Different versions may vary.


1.0 Why are my downloads going slow?
- 1.1 Reason 1: Your ISP is limiting your download speed
- 1.3 Reason 2: You have a “NAT Error”
--> 1.3.1 How do I know if I have this problem?
2.0 Fixing a NAT error
- 2.1 Switch off UPnP
- 2.2 Configure Your XP Firewall (ICF: Internet Connection Firewall)
--> 2.2.1 Configure ICF in SP1
--> 2.2.2 Configure ICF in SP2
- 2.3 Configure Your Router
- 2.4 Configure Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
- 2.5 Configure Your Firewall
3.0 Multiple BitTorrent users on a LAN
4.0 Other things that could be wrong
5.0 Asking for further help

1.0 Why are my downloads going slow?

1.1 Reason 1: Your ISP is limiting your download speed

Some ISPs are limiting download speeds by controlling the bandwidth allocated to traffic using the default BitTorrent ports, which are 6881 to 6999.

This is not just a problem for those who have nasty ISPs, it affects everybody. To avoid ISPs from damaging the efficiency of a torrent with their controls, some stringent tracker owners are blocking users trying to connect on the standard ports.

So whether your ISP is limiting you or not, all BitTorrent users should stop using the default ports.

For simplicity, this guide recommends the use of port 16881. Adding a 1 to the start is simple administratively, and is in a range unlikely to be used by other programs.

You then need to set up your client to use the new port.

Tools -> Options -> Connection
-> Add a “1” before the current listen port number. For example, 6881 will now be 16881.

Options -> Preferences -> Connection
-> Type 16881 for the port number for incoming connections. Untick the box for Randomize Port.

Whatever client you use, make sure you update anywhere else you have entered the port numbers to account for the change.

By completing this section, you have helped to avoid problems later down the line, but this will not solve the majority of slow downloads. Therefore, move on to reason 2.

1.2 Reason 2: You have a “NAT Error”

BitTorrent works on a credit system. By uploading parts of a file to other people, they allow you to download parts of the file from them. This is BitTorrents anti-leech measure. However, if you have a problem with your NAT (anything between you and the internet, such as a router or firewall), you will not get credit for what you are uploading. The only downloading that you can do is from people who upload a small amount to you in the hope that you will return the favour. Since their client will not recognise your response if you have a NAT problem, then they will stop uploading to you shortly after. This is what is causing your problem. You may also notice that torrent speeds go very high for 5 minutes, before slowing back down to 0-5kb/s.

1.2.1 How do I know if I have this problem?
You might not have a problem at all. Before continuing with this guide, leave your torrent running for at least ten minutes. If the speed hasn't picked up, stop and restart the torrent. If that fails, try at least two other torrents. If you are still having problems, continue on...

Start to download a file using your chosen client.

Wait a while for the torrent to get started; this may take up to five minutes.
Look in the “Health” column. If it is showing a yellow spot, then you need to configure your firewall/NAT/router. If it is Green then all is OK. Your slow downloads are being caused by something else.
A full list of the different colours can be seen []here[/url].

Azureus can also check your configuration for you.
Select “Tools” -> “NAT / Firewall Test”
The default TCP listen port is 6881. If you have changed the listening port, enter the new port in the “Incoming TCP Listening Port.”
Press “Test”
If the result is “NAT Error,” please continue with the guide.
If the result is “OK”, then your slow speeds are being caused by something else.

PLEASE NOTE: The Azureus checker can report a false NAT error if you are running PeerGuardian or Protowall. Make sure these are disabled before using the Azureus wizard.

Wait a while for the torrent to get started; this may take up to five minutes.
On the status bar, look for either a yellow warning triangle, or a green dot. If there is a yellow warning triangle, then you need to configure your firewall/NAT/router. If it is green then all is OK and your slow downloads are being caused by something else.

uTorrent can also check your configuration for you.
Select “Options” -> “Speed Guide…”
Check the current port is set to the port used in the first section, i.e. 16881.
Click “Test if port is forwarded properly”.
If you get an error, then continue to follow this guide. If the port is correct set up, then skip to the section 4.0 – “Other things that could be wrong”.

2.0 It’s showing yellow / warning triangle, I have a NAT error – what do I do?

You need to configure your computer and/or network to accept incoming BitTorrent port connections. The tracker port is 6969. If this port is not correctly configured, downloads will not start at all. The download/upload ports used in this guide are 16881-16889. It is these ports that are causing your problems.

2.1 Disable UPnP

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), it is a feature that works with some compatible routers to open the required ports automatically. However, some routers, even if they are compatible with UPnP, have problems with this.

Tools -> Options
Expand "Plugins" on the left hand tree.
Select "UPnP"
Deselect "Enable UPnP"

Options -> Preferences -> Connection
Deselect “Enable UPnP port mapping”.

2.2 Configure Your XP Firewall (ICF: Internet Connection Firewall)
Please go to the appropriate sub-section.
- “Configure ICF in SP1” if you have NOT installed Service Pack 2
- “Configure ICF in SP2” if you have installed Service Pack 2

2.2.1 Configure ICF in SP1
Open up your “Network Connections”. Right click on your internet connection or LAN connection and select “Properties”.
->Select the “Advance” tab
->If the “Internet Connection Firewall” is not ticked, then this is not your problem. Research into whether you need the XP firewall or not and jump to "Configure Your Router" below. If it is ticked, please continue:
->Click “Settings…”
->On the “Services” tab press “Add…”
->Description of service = BitTorrent
Name or IP address of the computer hosting this service on your network = (this means "the local machine.")
External Port number for this service = 16881
Internal Port number for this service = 16881
-> Press OK.

-> With uTorrent, make sure Options -> Preferences -> Connection -> "Port used for incoming connections” is equal to 16881.

-> With AZUREUS, make sure that "Tools -> Options -> Connection -> Incoming TCP Listen Port" is equal to 16881.

Check if the torrent/health has gone green. If not, move on to section 2.2.

2.2.2 Configure ICF in SP2
-> Open your Windows Control Panel and select “Security Centre.”
-> Scroll down to the “Manage security settings for:” section and select “Firewall”
-> Decide whether you want to keep the firewall on or off. Make an informed decision based on more than the information provided by Microsoft. If you decide to switch it off, then do so and move onto section 2.2. Otherwise, continue this section.
-> Select the “Exceptions” tab.
-> Select “Add Port…”
-> Name: = BitTorrent (or anything of your choice)
-> Port number: = 16881
-> Press OK.

-> With uTorrent, make sure Options -> Preferences -> Connection -> "Port used for incoming connections” is equal to 16881.

-> With AZUREUS, make sure that "Tools -> Options -> Connection -> Incoming TCP Listen Port" is equal to 16881.

Restart the client and wait five minutes. Check if the health has gone green or that the warning triangle has vanished. If not, move on to section 2.3.

2.3 Configure Your Router
If you are on a LAN with a router or hardware firewall, you may need to configure it. You need to forward BitTorrent’s connection ports to your specific PC on the LAN.
If your connection is shared using Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), go to section 2.3.
There are too many routers to cover in this guide, so it is time to head to Google. Search for port forwarding, BitTorrent and the name of your router. Lots of manufacturers provide specific information on their sites. A generic guide to port forwarding for most routers can be found at

-> With uTorrent, make sure Options -> Preferences -> Connection -> "Port used for incoming connections” is equal to 16881.

-> With AZUREUS, forward port 16881. Make sure this matches "Tools -> Options -> Connection -> "Incoming TCP Listen Port"

Restart the client and wait five minutes. Check if the health has gone green or that the warning triangle has vanished. If not, move on to section 2.4.

2.4 Configure Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
If you are sharing an internet connection using ICS, then you will need to forward the BitTorrent ports.

Windows 2000 users, click here for information on forwarding (mapping) ports.

Other users:
Shock Systems used to provide a useful tool called “ICS Configuration” for changing the settings of ICS to allow full BitTorrent access to a second computer. You can download a copy here thanks to Zeropaid member cpugenuismv.

-> Install the program on the serving computer and run it
-> Click “+ Add”
-> Name = [whatever you want, e.g. BitTorrent]
-> Target = Local IP of machine running BitTorrent, e.g.
-> Description = [whatever you want, e.g. “allow BitTorrent for”]
-> On the “Ports” tab, slect “+ Add”
-> Select “Port Range” from the drop-down box
-> Enter “16881” and “16889” into the relative boxes
-> Data translation = NORMAL
-> Press “OK”, Press “Enable”, Press “OK”.
-> Close everything and reboot the PC.

The settings will be saved in your registry. There is no need to open ICS Configuration with ICS.

-> With uTorrent, make sure Options -> Preferences -> Connection -> "Port used for incoming connections” is equal to 16881.

With AZUREUS, forward port 16881. Make sure this matches "Tools -> Options -> Connection -> Incoming TCP Listen Port"

Restart the client and wait five minutes. Check if the health has gone green or that the warning triangle has vanished. If not, move on to section 2.5.

2.5 Configure Your Firewall
As with routers, there are too many to cover here, so time to head to Google. Unlike with other sections to this guide, ports only have to be opened, rather than forwarded.

With both AZUREUS and uTorrent, open port 16881.

3.0 Multiple BitTorrent users on a LAN
The same port can not be forwarded to different computers, so decide who gets which ports, for example: = 16881 = 16882 etc.

Set up your router or ICS to forward the ports to the chosen computers.

Now you need to set up the BitTorrent Clients:

Each computer only needs one port forwarded to it.
-> Tools -> Options
-> "Connection" on the side menu
-> On “Incoming TCP Listen Port” enter the port number that is being forwarded to that computer. Taking from the above example, computer would enter 16884.
-> Repeat for all the users

Options -> Preferences -> Connection -> is equal to 16881.
-> Set "Port used for incoming connections” to the port number that is being forwarded to that computer. Taking from the above example, computer would enter 16884.
-> Press “OK”
-> Repeat for all users.